M A I N    P A G E                

H O L I N E S S                    

P I L G R I M A G E              

           For the information purposes here below we present the sources used during preparation of this site and in general the list of sources related to the topic:

1.          Gadirzade G., Abbasova S. Beliefs to “Asafkahf” and its historical roots. “Sovet Nakhchivani” newspaper, 6.01.82. “Ashabi Kahf” holiness, historicity and beliefs system”. Baku. Elm-2002. Gadirzade G. “Worships, beliefs and historical realities”. “Sovet Nakhchivani” newspaper, 29.03.85. Gadir Gadirzade, “A stone memory of Nakhchivan history – “Ashabi-Kahf”. Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan socio-political, artistic and literal, scientific and socio-political journal. Nakhchivan 2000. Haji Gadir Gadirzada, “Ashabi-Kahf, new findings, historical truths” “Sharg Gapisi” 18.07.2002

2.          Islamic-encyclopedia. Turkiye-Diyanat vagfi. Istanbul 1991. 3rd volume. “Ashabi-Kahf”-section p.465-467(in Turkish).

3.          Elmalli M. Hamdi Yazir. Religion of Justice. Chelik Shura. Istanbul 5th volume p.163 (in Turkish).

4.          Haji Kadir Kadirzade “Sacred places in Nakhchivan connected with the holies, their relatives and heroes.” “Notes of the Intergovernmental Turkish world congress on holies and their relatives” Ankara 1998 (in Turkish).

5.          Abdulrashid Al-Bakuvi. A resume of monuments and mighty rulers musses” Baku 1982 p.113

6.          Farruk Sumer. “Ashabi-Kahf”/”seven fallen asleep”. Istanbul 1989

7.          Haji Fakhraddin Safarli, Hamza Jafarov. The places of worship in Nakhchivan. 1989. Haji Fakhraddin Safarli-“Ashabi-Kahf” where prayings reach to God. Baku 2002.

8.          Sadraddin Balagi “Guran Gissalari”/translated from Persian by Mohsun Nagisoylu. Baku 1992, p.191-195.

9.          “Gurani-Karim” Interpretation in Turkish Azeri. “By Nariman Gasimoglu’s pen” Baku 1993.

10.      Snesarov G. P. “Enigma of Daku-Yunus” (The history of one research) Soviet Ethnography. Moscow 1978, 5, p.148-159 (in Russian)

11.      Abulgazi Bahadir Khan. “The roots of Turkeys” (genetic net of Terakim) 1001 main work.

12.      Akhgunduz Ahmet. “Ashabi-Kahf” and the history of Tarsus in the light of archives materials. Istanbul. 1993. Guler Yildiz, Ramazan Chakiroglu. Mersin year and information related to Sheykh Mikdad and “Ashabi-Kahf”. I Intergovernmental Turkish World Congress on Holies and their relatives. Ankara 1998, p.577-579 (In Turkish)

13.      Prof. doc. Hikmet Tanyu. “Some traditions and beliefs in Hajibekhdash”. Ankara. August 1998 year 3 num. 35 special num. p.30 (In Turkish)

14.      Dr. Yashar Kalafat. The ancient Turkish religion tracks in southern Azerbaijan-Northern Anadolu and Northern Iraq. Entire folkloric stratification. Ankara 1998, p.233 (in Turkish)

S T O N E  C U L T               

W A T E R C U L T               

T R E E  C U L T                   

S O U R C E                          

P H O T O   G A L L E R Y